Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness is the preparation an organisation undertakes to ensure safety of workers, contractors, and visitors in the workplace during an emergency. Under Regulation 43 of Work Health and Safety Legislation, all Persons Conducting a Business or Undertaking must ensure that an Emergency Plan is prepared for the workplace that includes:

  • Emergency Procedures
  • Testing of the emergency procedure
  • Information, training, and instructions required to implement the Emergency Procedure.

At ATL Safety Solutions, we can facilitate all your emergency needs and remove your anxiety in providing and maintaining a safe workplace. At ATL we can assist in:

  • Developing Plans and Procedure
  • Coordinate and record the testing of emergency testing (Drills and Exercises)
  • Training for key positions
  • Providing quality assurance

Do not fall short of your obligation to provide an Emergency Plan in your workplace, call ATL and let us help you.